Startups Development

Start your startup journey with Air Global Tech. We provide expert guidance and tailored solutions for projects across industries, optimizing technology and architecture for cost-effectiveness and efficiency. With a proven track record, we bring invaluable experience to turn your vision into a successful reality.

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Startups Development. Start your startup journey with Air Global Tech. We provide expert guidance and tailored solutions for projects across industries, optimizing technology and architecture for cost-effectiveness and efficiency. With a proven track record, we bring invaluable experience to turn your vision into a successful reality.

Startups Development πŸš€

Embark on your startup journey with Air Global Tech's comprehensive Full Stack Development services, covering both Frontend and Backend intricacies.

Mobile Backend Development Services (iOS, Android) πŸ“±

Crafting sophisticated mobile applications and bespoke mobile resources for various platforms, including messengers, social networks, smart devices, and wearables.

APIs Integration πŸ”„

With a rich history of integrating over 60 third-party services, we expertly plan future integrations, ensuring seamless functionality and informed technical decisions.

Cloud Infrastructure Solutions ☁️

Our expertise extends to creating adaptable server solutions, facilitating efficient implementation and scaling of your cloud-based systems. Whether public, private, or hybrid, we upgrade your software to meet the highest standards.

Partner with us to transform your startup vision into a thriving, high-performance reality. πŸŒπŸ’‘

Streamlined Development Process βš™οΈ

Embarking on your app or website development journey involves meticulous stages, ensuring a seamless and effective outcome.

Technical Assignment & User Story πŸ“

We invest time in crafting a comprehensive technical assignment using User Stories, laying the foundation for a well-thought-out development process.

Prototyping and Design with Figma 🎨

In collaboration with trusted design partners, we bring your vision to life, recommending Figma for an innovative and visually appealing design.

Efficient Software Development πŸš€

Coding kicks off once a clear tech reference and basic design are in place, leading to a functional solution that undergoes rigorous testing and refinement.

Thorough Testing & Bugfixing 🐞

At every development stage, we conduct meticulous testing, minimizing bug-fixing time and cost. Final testing in a controlled environment precedes AppStore & Google Play uploads.

Release and Ongoing Support πŸš€

Based on testing reports, we make necessary edits and corrections for a flawless release. Post-launch, our commitment continues with high-quality support and prompt bug fixing.

Experience a comprehensive and efficient development journey with Air Global Tech. πŸ’»πŸ“²

Optimized Development Workflow πŸ”„

Discover the advantages of our streamlined development approach, ensuring efficiency and collaboration throughout your project lifecycle.

Effective Task Management with Jira or Trello πŸ“Š

Utilize Jira or Trello Boards for seamless task management. Track progress, monitor time, and facilitate timely task processing. New to these systems? We'll guide you every step of the way.

Version Control with Github βš™οΈ

Experience quick access to any project branch, secure code storage in the cloud, and safe testing of new code. Leveraging Github or a similar platform enhances your project's functionality.

Daily Meetings and Planning πŸ—“οΈ
  • Engage in daily meetings where we discuss:
  • Successes of the previous sprint πŸš€
  • Areas for improvement in the upcoming stages πŸ“ˆ
  • Future and current work planning πŸ“…
  • Team synchronization and collaboration 🀝
  • Task estimation for precise project timelines ⏳

Experience a collaborative and efficient development journey with Air Global Tech. πŸ’ΌπŸš€

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We occupy a pricing niche between freelancers and large agencies. On one hand, we are more accountable than freelancers, and on the other, more flexible than big agencies.

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Our Workplace Technologies

Our Technology Stack for Web Development

Air Global Tech uses cutting-edge technologies for custom software development, including PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, Node.js, React Native, Java, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and more.